Saturday, July 19, 2008


Sweet, happy, lovable Abigail. Wow, I can't believe my baby is a year. What a wonderful year it has been. It seems like yesterday we brought you home, yet it seems like you have been a part of our family forever. You are full of smiles. You are known as the smiley baby everywhere we go. I can't even count the times that I have heard, "What a happy baby, is she always so happy?" Lately we have had a lot of one on one time. I have loved it! Daddy has taken your older sisters camping some and last week Ellie and Ashlyn were at VBS every night. That left a lot of time for the two of us. We spent a lot of time running errands and strolling the isles of Target waiting to pick up your sisters. You actually love to shop with me. You always laugh and giggle trying to get attention from anyone around you. When someone finally stops to look, you turn your head and act bashful. It's really cute. I love the way you "dance" when music is playing and then when I join you, you laugh so hard. I love it that you say "Mom" and actually mean me. You will crawl towards me, sit up on your knees, reach up your arms, and say "mom". You love to be held and cuddled and I love to hold and cuddle you. I'm looking forward to the upcoming year and watching you continue to grow. It will be fun to hear you talk more, see you start to walk, and watch you interact with your sisters more. I love you Abby.

1 comment:

Happy Four said...

What a beautiful post and the photographs are fabulous!