Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Abigail!

Since we will be in Colorado for Abby's actual birthday, we decided to have a small celebration before we left. Abby absolutely LOVED her cake. On Ellie's first birthday, she wasn't too interested in her cake and she didn't really want to get dirty. Ashlyn kept her hands in her lap for awhile and just leaned over and ate. Abby just dug right in and ate a ton!

Abby is such a joy to have in our family. She loves to smile and laugh. She says, hi, bye-bye, Bella (my parents dog), and on occasion all done. Her favorite toy right now is her Elmo table (thank you, Caroline). She laughs and wiggles her hips to the music on it. Abby is a great eater. It doesn't seem like she has a favorite food but I can tell that vegetables aren't high on her list. Abby loves her big sisters and often gets excited when she sees them. She bounces up and down and you can tell she is eager to play with them. Abby enjoys being read to. Her favorite books are those that she can touch and feel and often giggles at the pages! She isn't walking, but she does pull herself up and cruises along furniture.

As for me, I am having a difficult time with the reality that my baby is turning one. It seems like yesterday we brought her home from the hospital. Now the baby phase is ending and we are getting rid of numerous items that we no longer need. My friends tell me to focus on the positives of having older kids but for me it's still really sad.


Happy Four said...

I miss you so! What a beautiful post and I love the photographs. It doesn't seem possible that you welcomed her in your arms and family a year ago.

What a joy Abigail is and what a blessing all three of your girls are to all who meet and know them.

Have a wonderful trip.

Love you!

The Stilwells said...
