Thursday, June 26, 2008

So long bottles....

It's a big day in our house. We are officially done with bottles and formula. Next week we will be heading to Colorado and I thought it would be easier if we didn't have to deal with either of them. I decided to wean Abby a little early and we did it! She is drinking whole milk out of sippy cups. It is a little bitter-sweet... the thought of never feeding another one of my babies a bottle makes me a little sad, but the thought of not having to buy formula makes me really happy! The bottles are packed up and ready to give away! Here is the big girl with her sippy cup.


Happy Four said...

She is so adorable. Love the post!

Kristen said...

Ah, I'm even sad over it. Way to go though! Think of the money you will save! You could go on a cruise!