Friday, June 6, 2008

Sweet Ellie

Ellie is such a kind and compassionate little girl. She does and says so many things that melt my heart. Each day Ellie has "quiet time" for an hour in her room. She can do whatever she would like, she just needs to play quietly. Lately she has enjoyed drawing during this time. One day, a couple of weeks ago, she drew a picture and wrote "I love My Family" on it. Today she made me a get well card. I have been fighting a cold so she drew me a picture and wrote, "I hope your cough feels better. Love, Ellie" (she did need some help with spelling on this one). It is so encouraging to see such wonderful character qualities displayed in Ellie. I am amazed at her love and concern for those around her. I love you Ellie!

1 comment:

Happy Four said...

I love the posts about the girls. What precious ones you have. It is hard to believe your baby will be 1 before you know it. Where is the time going?

I miss you so much!